Sometimes once a lawsuit is filed, the court will order mediation to take place. This is usually done at the scheduling conference after discovery concludes and before the pre-trial begins. The timing of mediation is important as it is only successful if both the defense and claimant have all information available. Mediation is generally the last step before a case moves to pre-trial, and as such, it is a good idea to have representation in place from our Palm Springs mediation attorneys if you wish to avoid a trial.
What is Mediation?
Mediation is a process ordered by the court which allows a neutral third party to facilitate the discussion between the parties involved in a lawsuit in the hope that a dispute resolution can be reached before trial. If a voluntary resolution is decided on by both parties, then a trial can be avoided along with the high costs of legal representation and court fees.
Who Does Mediation Include?
If a case is sent to mediation, the plaintiff, defense attorney, plaintiff’s attorney, a mediator, and an insurance adjuster from the insurance company of the defendant will be invited to attend the mediation. The plaintiff and the defense counsel may be placed in separate rooms and a mediator speaks with both parties to resolve the dispute peacefully with an outcome both sides agree to.
Why is Mediation Important?
Most people are ready to go to trial when they are involved in a lawsuit, but mediation can be a very useful tool if used wisely. There are high costs of going to court that are both financial and reputational. Additionally, court cases can take a lengthy amount of time and interrupt other projects or investments.
In these cases, reaching a resolution in mediation can save time, money, and possibly your company’s reputation. Therefore, it is vital to hire reputable Palm Springs mediation attorneys to advocate on your behalf.
Alternative Dispute Resolution Attorneys of SBEMP
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