The U. S. Supreme Court upheld the practice some companies have of requiring employees to sign away their rights to bring about class action law suits against management concerning hours or wages. This ruling allows management to compel employees to sign away their rights to join forces against management.
Lower Paid Workers Are on Their Own
Craig Becker, general counsel for the AFL-CIO, believes that this ruling will make it nearly impossible to enforce some employment laws relating to wages, overtime, and even harassment. Lower paid workers, who are not a part of a union, will be the hardest. These workers may find it expensive to bring complaints against their employers, especially if they must do so on their own. Many may not even consider suing.
Nearly 100 Years of Labor Rights Down the Drain
This ruling disregards nearly a hundred years of employee rights, when it comes to hours, wages, harassment, and other job related collective actions. These rights were put in place to prevent employers from taking advantage of workers. This ruling allows employers require employees to waive the right to band together if they are having similar issues to see them addressed.
California Will Defend Employee Rights
In Palm Springs employment law, it is challenging, but the California Attorney General has promised to continue to defend all Californians’ right to band together, despite this ruling.
If you have a dispute with your employer, please call our firm for a consultation today.
Employment Law Attorneys of SBEMP
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