
The Zen of Using Real Estate and Land Law Attorneys to Help with Zoning Laws

Real estate and land law attorneys in Palm Springs can help you understand local zoning laws and regulations. Zoning is the regulation of how and why the area of land is being used. With an inspection, the property and surrounding area must be safe, healthy, and in line with the community’s needs and involvement. Zoning also ensures the land use is in line with other residential, commercial, and industrial properties.

Legal authority is necessary for zoning, as well. If you or your business does not comply with zoning laws, you will face numerous penalties, which may include cessation of the property. Fortunately, you can work with a Palm Springs real estate attorney to determine if your dwelling is in line with local zoning laws.

Codes and Regulations in Palm Springs

If you are unsure whether you are under certain zoning codes and regulations, contacting real estate and land law attorneys in Palm Springs is wise.

However, you are most likely eligible for zoning if the following apply:

  • New Construction
  • Renovation or Remodel of building
  • Addition of building
  • Dwelling modification
  • Addition of use for dwelling
  • Transferring or conversing from a residential dwelling

How to Apply for Zoning?

When you decide to apply, complete the required application. Be sure to sign the application and ensure owner’s sign, as well. In addition, you will need to submit a letter explaining your goals and need for zoning. Copies of your administrative site plants will also be necessary. It is imperative that a certified engineer, architect, or land surveyor prepares this plan.

All property owners and residences 175 feet of the property must also sign your zoning application. Lastly, include a copy of your deed and your application filing fee. If you are not sure what the amount of the fee entails, contact your state offices.

Zoning Hearings

In most cities, monthly zoning hearings are scheduled. These meetings discuss information regarding the application process and procedures or changes in the zoning code. It is wise to attend these meetings to learn more on the following:

  • Land use and zoning regulations on your area
  • Applicant commentaries
  • Request oppositions
  • Waived hearing procedures when there are no oppositions

Zoning is a time-sensitive request that requires regulations and official approval. Since there are many facets involved, consulting a firm and Palm Springs real estate attorney can be helpful.

Contact Our Palm Springs Real Estate and Land Law Attorneys for a Consultation

Contact us at 760-322-2275 for a consultation on land use and zoning for your business.

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Coachella Valley

Palm Springs
1800 East Tahquitz Canyon Way
Palm Springs, CA 92262
Indian Wells
74785 Hwy 111, Ste. 105
Indian Wells, CA 92210
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650 Town Center Drive, Ste. 1400
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
SBEMP Attorneys LLP