Why is An Eminent Domain Attorney Necessary?

Tag Archives: Palm Springs real estate attorney

It is common in eminent domain cases that people attempt to represent themselves. This is the single biggest mistake in the entire transaction. A home or business is the largest asset for most people. Allowing the process to go forward without sufficient legal representation directly depreciates the value of that asset by thousands of dollars, and in some cases, hundreds of thousands of dollars. Fair market value is a subjective term that savvy home and business owners can request the help of their attorney to decide. Continue reading

Real Estate is the one investment almost everyone will make at one time or another. Consulting an attorney makes good sense when you are buying a home, investing in land, or selling inherited real estate. The advice and input of an attorney can give you peace of mind and save you a lot of money. Continue reading

The Palm Springs area has a unique set of regulatory laws underlying the properties therein. Anyone purchasing residential or commercial properties needs to quickly become familiar with the way these laws work. Most people will appreciate they can learn more information about how to manage local real estate law. Attorneys in the Palm Springs area provide a lot of information that helps you through these issues. They understand local regulations and can handle them with ease. Continue reading

Coachella Valley

Palm Springs
1800 East Tahquitz Canyon Way
Palm Springs, CA 92262
Indian Wells
74785 Hwy 111, Ste. 105
Indian Wells, CA 92210
Costa Mesa
650 Town Center Drive, Ste. 1400
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
SBEMP Attorneys LLP