
Is It Important To Be Honest About STDs?

How STD Laws Have Changed In California

The recently passed bill in California, SB239, has now softened the penalties when it comes to people who knowingly and willingly expose a person to sexually transmitted diseases, or STD’s. While there are certainly those that second guess this decision by the California legislature, the most important thing is make sure to be prepared in case if you are ever faced with such a situation. If you are a person who believes that have been knowingly infected with an STD by a sexual partner, our Palm Springs personal injury lawyer is the first person one should talk to.

Measures to Be Safe Against STDs

When a partner has an STD, they usually will keep it hidden from their partner until it comes time to have sex. The thing is that being truthful and forthcoming about STD’s is not an easy thing to do. People stay in denial until it comes to a point where they have no choice other than to come clean. While sex is pleasurable, the most important thing is being safe. For that reason, the Centers for Disease Control recommend that certain measures be taken. One of those is being tested at least once a year.

Letting Your Partner Know

Those who are infected with an STD need to know how to come forth and let their partner know. Protection is certainly a must when it comes to those who have an STD. The most important thing to keep in mind is that a drastic change will have to be made to one’s sex life. The best thing is coming forth and be truthful with your partner.

Be Transparent

When coming face to face with a partner and letting them you know that you have an STD, you certainly must be transparent. You have to picture yourself in the other person’s shoes. You have to be upfront and cannot hold anything back. While it won’t be the end of the world, the bottom line is that there needs to be an open mind and understanding on both sides.

Always Be Cautious

In the end, the most important thing is to always take caution when having sex when one is infected with an STD. Owning up to the situation and condition goes a very long way. Holding back on the truth will do as much damage to the partner as it will to the one who is infected.

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