California’s medical marijuana laws have changed. As of January 2, 2018, the state will implement the Medical Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act. The act was released earlier this spring. The act is altered many regulations previously known under Proposition 64 with the Medical Marijuana Act. All three state licensing authorities, known as the Department of Consumer Affairs’ Bureau of Cannabis Control, the Department of Public Health, and the Department of Food and Agriculture have decided to withdraw from their proposed regulations.
Emergency Regulations
Emergency regulations created by the state’s emergency rulemaking process will most likely be published in the coming months, at an unspecified date. The three licensing authorities will listen and account for public comments received dealing with the proposed changes to medical cannabis laws.
Health Concerns
There are changes included in this act that could potentially have a detrimental effect on your health. If you suffer from an illness and use medical cannabis to treat the illness, then it is imperative to make sure that your needs are met under this new bill. You must make sure that your health needs are met in a cost-effective manner.
What to Do
Our San Diego municipal lawyers will provide the service necessary to answer any of your concerns. Whether you are a store owner or a patient, we can help with a consultation if you feel you have a case. We also help municipalities to form laws in this area. We will make sure that you are treated fairly by the law.