
The 3 Worst STDs in History

Every year, millions of Americans contract a sexually transmitted disease. While there are many different types of STDs, there are three common forms.


According to the CDC, there were 63,450 reported cases of syphilis in 2014. Syphilis is easily transmitted between carriers by contact with a sore known as a chancre. It is easy to spread syphilis through sexual contact. Symptoms do not surface until around 21 days from infection. The first symptom is a painless sore.


The CDC reports that gonorrhea is most common between the age of 15 and 24. It is passed through direct contact with a person’s infected mucus membranes. Men will often experience painful urination, while women may notice an unpleasant vaginal discharge. If left untreated, gonorrhea can lead to damaged kidneys, meningitis, and blindness.


The first reported case of human immunodeficiency virus in the United States was in 1981, and the CDC now reports that over 1.2 million people in the United States are living with HIV. HIV is transmitted through contact with bodily fluids. If left untreated, HIV becomes acquired immune deficiency syndrome, or AIDs. Early symptoms are an inability to concentrate and apathy. Later symptoms include weight loss, fever, diarrhea, and many other adverse effects.

Discovering that you may have a sexually transmitted disease is devastating news, especially if it was the fault of another individual. If you believe that you have been maliciously or neglectfully infected with an STD, contact a Palm Springs personal injury lawyer to discuss your rights.

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