
Some Facts about Herpes and HIV/AIDS Transmission in Personal Injury Cases

There are many types of personal injuries, but 3 that are very personal can be caused by sexual transmission of diseases. The three most common sexually transmitted diseases are listed below.


Herpes is a viral infection that causes painful fluid-filled blisters that occur in the mucous membranes or on the skin. There are two kinds of herpes simplex virus. There is HSV-1, which is known to cause sores on the mouth, face, lips and eyes. 

The HSV-2 type typically causes genital sores. There are exceptions to this generalization as herpes can also be found in other parts of the body, which can include the internal organs, fingers, and cornea of the eye.

Herpes can go through a dormant stage in which there are no sores present although the virus remains inside the nerve cells in the state of dormancy period. Once the virus reactivates it begins to cause sores. Some of the triggers for herpes outbreak can include physical trauma, menstruation, immune system suppression, fever, and stress.

How Herpes is Transmitted

Herpes can be transmitted either through skin-to-skin contact or direct contact with sores. This transmission can occur during vaginal, oral, or anal sex with a person that has an active infection or your contact with the genital, anal, oral areas of a person during a latency period that is chronically infected with the disease.

Symptoms of Herpes

The symptoms of herpes usually are not evident 2, up to 12 days after exposure. Some individuals do not develop symptoms but still have an illness and do not become aware of the infection until much later on.

The symptoms of the disease can include itching, burning, tingling, and discomfort. From the onset of the symptoms, it will begin to develop from 2 to 3 days after. Some other symptoms that occur with an outbreak include a feeling of sickness, headaches, body aches, The fever and initial outbreak can last from about 1 up to 2 weeks subsequent outbreaks usually last for approximately one week.

Diagnosis of herpes is relatively simple and requires a physical examination by a doctor. Herpes currently has no cure, but there are treatments available that effectively manage outbreaks. Herpes is highly contagious and can be passed on to partners and babies born to mothers that have the disease.


HIV is caused by two different types of viruses the human immunodeficiency virus HIV 1 and HIV 2. AIDS, or Auto Immunodeficiency syndrome, is the most severe form of HIV. HIV transmission occurs when an individual comes in contact with an infected person’s bodily fluids. Transmission occurs through a variety of fluids including vaginal secretions, semen, breast milk, or blood.

Although extremely rare, HIV can also be transmitted through saliva, tears, or urine.

How HIV is Transmitted

There are three primary ways in which HIV is transmitted. Transmission can occur through an injection, transfusion, or your contaminated blood. Blood transmission can occur through contaminated blood transfusions, needle sharing, and accidental contact with infected needle comma or accidental skin-to-skin contact.

The odds of contracting AIDS through a contaminated needle are 1 and 300. HIV can also be contracted through sexual contact with an infected individual when contaminated bodily fluids contact mucous membranes of the mouth, rectum, vagina, or penis.

Other factors that can increase the chance of contracting HIV include contact with an individual that has an active sexual disease such as gonorrhea, herpes, syphilis, or genital warts.

How HIV is NOT Transmitted

Transmission of HIV cannot occur through casual contact or coughing or sneezing. Transmission also cannot occur through mosquito bites and very rarely through contact with an infected doctor or dentist. Exposure to HIV does not always lead to an infection. Some symptoms that can occur as a result of infection include fever, rash, swollen lymph nodes, and fatigue for a few weeks. Even though symptoms have not developed yet, a person can still be contagious from the time they are infected.

If you have been exposed to an STD with long-term effects, and you feel that it was done maliciously, you can contact one of our personal injury lawyers to discuss the matter confidentially. From there we will determine if he may have a civil lawsuit. Our Palm Springs personal injury lawyer can help you with a consultation if you believe your partner was negligent informing you about their carrying these diseases.

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