
Overview of the Land Use Policy

One of the jobs of local or city governments is to establish land use policy, from our research as real estate and land law attorneys in Palm Springs. That is how the community wishes the real estate within its jurisdiction to be organized to best serve its needs.

What is “Land” Considered to Be?

Land generally is residential, commercial, industrial, agricultural or open space. Each category should have a General Plan to establish guidelines. One example is to establish the maximum per capital density of areas restricted to housing. 

Overview of the General Plan

The General Plan is an overall structure reflecting the community’s land use policy. It is comprised of more detailed plans that describe particular types of land use. These others include: Neighborhood plans, Local plans, Community plans, Area plans and Local Coastal plans.

Land Use Policies

Effective land use policy includes managing all real estate within an area to maximize expression of the community’s values. This includes balancing residential space with commercial and industrial zones, establishing open space parks and provide for the community’s economic security and environmental satisfaction. Pleasing disparate sectors of the population can be a difficult balancing act.

Therefore, land use policy must quickly adapt to environmental, economic and social conditions to remain effective. The General Plan is the overall game plan.

In Palm Springs, the Land Use element of the General Plan describes the policies. The Land Use Element balances the differing needs of the communities in the County. Real estate and land law attorneys in Palm Springs can help planners with land use policies.

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Coachella Valley

Palm Springs
1800 East Tahquitz Canyon Way
Palm Springs, CA 92262
Indian Wells
74785 Hwy 111, Ste. 105
Indian Wells, CA 92210
Costa Mesa
650 Town Center Drive, Ste. 1400
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
SBEMP Attorneys LLP